Panel 15: Moments of Abundance – Room C

Folklore often features stories of abundance, taking the listener away from the fears of hunger to exalt in the fecund harvest, and modestly wasteful rituals reinforce the hope that the…

Panel 14: Objects of Curiosity – Room A

Challenging rule-driven food practices, redefining rules of etiquette and where trends, traditions, and rules for food come from, this panel investigates unconventional dining, cultural symbolism, and the playful nature of…

Sneak Preview

  Not long to the Online Conference now! Please join us for a Sneak Preview on Saturday July 15, 16:00 BST. We’d like to show you some of the interactive activities…

Food/Drink/Sin – Live discussion with the panellists

  When, what, and how much to consume? Whether explicit or implicit, these questions shape cyclical religious fasts and feasts and underlie quotidian practice. In their observance, these rules and…