Panel 6 – Floral Cuisines: Flavor, Health, Culture (Riverside Room 2)
The use of flowers as significant ingredients, used both for flavor and health, is especially pronounced in non-European cuisines. This panel considers the values ascribed to flowers (amongst other plants)…
Panel 7 – The Literary Aesthetics of the East: Chinese Stone Fruits (Riverside Lecture theatre)
Premodern literature in China is resplendent with lyrical descriptions of stone fruits that can serve as metaphors for politics and society. So, too, in India, where the literature garden becomes…
Panel 8 – The Cultural Politics of Preservation (Riverside Room 1)
Folk tradition versus modern science. Working within the home versus employment outside. Thrift versus luxury. Technological innovation and the ascendency of 'expertise,' if occasionally misguided. Even the threat of sabotage…
Panel 9 – Empowered by Ancient Wisdom (Riverside Lecture theatre)
These papers provide insights into Indigenous agricultural practices that defy Western and colonial ideas of what 'agriculture' or a 'garden' should be. Whether finding gods in the forest or celebrating…
Panel 10 – Upsetting the Conventional Apple Cart (Riverside Room 1)
What if Linnaeus's ideas on taxonomy were dethroned? What if we eschewed the traditional silver metal for Western dining implements and turned to renewable wood, for both environmental and aesthetic…
Panel 11 – Alternative Realities (Riverside Room 2)
Whether imagining dystopian worlds or creating idealized virtual spaces with a romanticized vision that challenges historical realities, these papers consider the role of the garden as a tool for self-sufficiency…
Panel 13 – Wild Things. . . You Make my Palate Sing (Riverside Room 1)
Wild edible plants, which have recently acquired cultural caché by chefs and others foraging for local foods, contribute not only delicious flavors but are important sources of nutrition and traditional…
Panel 14 – Marketplace Case Studies: The Rise, Fall, and Resurrection of Fruits (Riverside Room 2)
Why are certain fruits suddenly in vogue? What is the role of the media (social or traditional) in promoting one fruit over another? Governments? And how do rare varieties survive…
Panel 12 – Stories of Resilience (Riverside Lecture theatre)
These case studies document resilience within food environments, whether the exploitation of abandoned farms as a counter to the industrialized food systems, regular forays into urban food forests, or the…