Kitchen Table Conversation:
Social justice in the gastronomic world
and what revered gatekeepers do about it

The crises of the past several years—Covid, racial and economic inequality, lack of diversity, to name just a few—have triggered a global rethinking about issues of social justice in the culinary world. Organizations such as the James Beard Foundation and The Julia Child Foundation for Gastronomy and the Culinary Arts are reexamining the status quo and the metrics by which they have recognized excellence, and journalists, media creators, and critics are asking probing questions about who gets the cultural spotlight, and why.
Join us to investigate these issues, including the limits of institutional power to bring about change, and the power of individuals to redefine the culinary landscape. Our Conversation Makers will be Mitchell Davis, until October 2020, the Chief Strategy Officer at the James Beard Foundation, Jamila Robinson, food media leader, food-editor of The Philadelphia Enquirer and World’s 50 Best Restaurants Academy Chair, and Todd Schulkin, Executive Director of The Julia Child Foundation and host of Heritage Radio Network’s Inside Julia’s Kitchen, to discuss these hot button issues.