We need to talk about : Consuming Recipes

We’ll be talking recipes at this Kitchen Table Conversation, their evolution, how and where we find them, and how we use them.
Over the last hundred years we’ve gone from recipes in handwritten notes and printed cookbooks, to recipes accompanied by photos of plated food in magazines, newspapers, and cookbooks. Recently recipes have moved online: these days we can find recipes not just with written instructions and photos but also with video, on Instagram and TikTok.
What does this mean for those who create recipes and for those who use them?
Conversationalists joining Naomi Duguid will be:
Laura Brehaut @laurabrehaut is the National Post's food reporter. She has certificates in culinary arts and as a professional cheesemonger from Toronto's George Brown College, a B.A. honours degree from Toronto Metropolitan University's RTA School of Media, and a B.A. in anthropology and linguistics from the University of Victoria. She is endlessly intrigued by what drives our food choices and preferences, the technologies that may influence how we eat in the future, and how to make food systems more equitable and sustainable.
Shayma Saadat @spicespoon is a food writer and digital content creator based in Toronto. Also known as Spice Spoon, she creates recipes — using local ingredients and the flavours of her Pakistani, Afghan and Persian heritage — which she shares on Instagram, TikTok, The Spice Spoon Substack and her website, The Spice Spoon.
Allie E.S. Wist @aeswist is a scholar-artist, currently in the interdisciplinary Arts PhD program at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. She creates speculative sensory narratives related to environmental humanities, food, metabolism, and Anthropocene studies. Her work includes edible and olfactory artifacts, as well as photography and video, which come together most often in multi-media installation works or performative dinners. She has an MA in Food Studies from New York University and a BA in Media from Boston University. She worked as a photo director and editor for media outlets in New York for over a decade, including at Bon Appetit and Saveur magazine. Her work and workshops have been featured by Honolulu Biennial, The Wellcome Collection, MIT, the Nobel Prize Museum, and Pioneer Works. https://alliewist.com/
Thanks to WikiArt for the image 'Reciprocal Accords' by Wassily Kandinsky, 1942