We’re delighted that Blackwell’s, independent Oxford-based bookseller since 1879, have created an OFS appropriate virtual bookstore. In their specially-curated selection, you’ll find many of the latest books by Symposiasts as well as Trustees, past and present, along with a representative offer of the classic works on this year’s subject.
Chelsea Green have been publishing books on sustainable living since 1984. They’re US based, but have recently established themselves in the UK. The imprint’s strength lies in organic farming, homesteading, natural building, integrative health, gardening, and socially responsible business. They’re employee-owned and many of their authors are first-timers who practise what they preach.
Prospect Books is the Oxford Symposium’s home-from-home. The imprint had its beginnings in Petits Propos Culinaires, a pioneering journal of gastronomy usually described as ‘eccentric’, edited by the Symposium’s founding-father Alan Davidson. Now under the care of publisher Catheryn Kilgarrick, Prospect continues to publish our Paper Proceedings every year along with other serious food-related books.
Reaktion was established in 1985 as the rara avis, an independent publisher of non-fiction specialising in innovative works of literature, including serious books on food-history. With nearly 1000 titles already in print, including scholarly histories of food in Germany, Italy and Spain, Symposiasts will recognise many familiar names among authors of their much-admired Edible Series, global histories of single ingredients.